Sometime in late 2017/early 2018:
“We should start a podcast.”
“Um, no.”
“But it would be so fun! We would be so good at it!”
“Mom, no. Do you know how much I like talking in front of people? A podcast is talking in front of the whole world!”
“But we could talk about mom/daughter stuff, cancer… all kinds of things.”
“Just… no. I would do a blog with you WAY before I would do a podcast.”
And thus began our journey to create Lynns on Life.
Mom and I both love to write, and have each individually wanted a platform to share our writing for some time. Mom even had a blog a few years ago, and has started recording her stories to share with her family. I have toyed with the idea of having a blog for years, but always dismissed it quickly: I knew I would identify too much of myself with my blog, and I wasn’t up for exposing myself on that level emotionally. A shared blog, though? Well…
So, here we are.
And we’re glad you’re here. We want this to be a place where we can write about anything (that is appropriate for potentially anyone in the entire world to read) – thoughts, feelings, words, emotions, kids, flowers, friends, life. We want this to be a place where we can think, process, express, and dream. We want this to be a place where we can grow, and learn.
We’d love this to be a place for you, too.
We’d love this to be a place for you, whether it’s because:
-You love us.
-You’re related to us, and thus feel obligated to at least skim each post.
-You identify with part of our story, and decide to stick around to see what else we talk about.
-You like amazing photography, and want to see other photos from my dad.
Regardless, we’re glad we’re here, and we’re glad you’re here.
Stick around, it will be a fun ride.
I love you both and look forward to reading your blog. I’ve always known that you had this in your hearts and I thank you for sharing! Richard’s photography is stunning!
Can’t wait to read of your thoughts and dreams. Alyssa, George and I are so glad to read the good report of your last scans! God is good! Love you! 💗🎶 Mano
Your writings are good for all of us, Alyssa! Glad you and Kimberly are creating this blog. Looking forward to reading and experiencing life with you as you process, think, express and dream aloud. RIchard’s pictures (are they already here?) will add visual beauty to the verbal beauty expressed out of life’s ups and downs. Thank you! We love you dearly!
Looking forward to following your stories. Love you both!
Love this and both of you!!!! Beautiful stories about your journey! Thanks for sharing with us! I too, toy with the idea and it’s so difficult to be this vulnerable! Bravo!